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That's why we are dedicated to providing patients with cutting-edge treatments and personalized care that addresses the unique challenges of this complex condition.


With a focus on holistic healing and evidence-based medicine, our team of experienced doctors and therapists work together to develop comprehensive treatment plans that are tailored to each patient's individual needs. From pain management and physical therapy to nutritional counseling and mindfulness practices, we offer a wide range of services that can help patients feel better and regain control of their lives.


We understand that living with Fibromyalgia can be a challenging and isolating experience, and that's why we're committed to creating a supportive and compassionate environment where patients can feel heard, understood, and empowered. Whether you're a doctor looking to refer a patient, or someone living with Fibromyalgia seeking relief, we're here to help you find new hope and a path towards a brighter future.


Our Passionate Team Fighting Against Fibromyalgia


This Organization is created to bring all differet specialised therapeuts together who treat fibromyalgia to meet to learn, discuss and find the best way of threating this so multifactorly desease.


As a team, we provide comprehensive, personalized care that addresses the full spectrum of Fibromyalgia symptoms and challenges.


Join us in the fight against this condition and let us help you find new hope and a path towards a brighter future.

Dr. med. Alina Predescu-Melzer

Co-President of the Society, MD Anesthesiologist, Pain SPS and invasive pain Therapie SSIPM, Chief of Mobile Anesthésie Systhem AG in Schwitzerland

Dr. Med. Michael Lottan M.D. LL.B.

President of the Society, Specialist in Anesthesiology, Pain Doctor 

Lawyer, Court Certified Mediator, Arbitrator

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WIS Fibromyalgia (Society)

Join Our Team and Help Raise Awareness for Fibromyalgia

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of those living with Fibromyalgia?

Sign up now to become part of our team and help us raise awareness about this often-misunderstood condition.

As an member for Fibromyalgia awareness, you'll receive expert information and training to help you spread the word about the impact of Fibromyalgia on individuals and families, and advocate for better research, treatment, and support.


Join us today and make a meaningful impact in the fight against Fibromyalgia.



of the global population is affected by fibromyalgia


of affected fibromyalgia patients are women


of affected fibromyalgia patients are men

Fibromyalgia Prevalence and Gender Distribution Worldwide

Breaking Down the Numbers

The Prevalence and History of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia: A Common Cause of Widespread Pain

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is one of the most common causes of widespread pain, and according to some statistics, Fibromyalgia patients represent 2-4% of the general population in the United States. Many of these patients are seen in pain clinics and treated as rheumatologic disease, although it is established today that it is not.

Fibromyalgia was referred to by many names in the past, including Fibromyositis, Fibrositis, Muscular Rheumatism, Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome, non-articular Rheumatism, Periarticular Fibrositis, Rheumatoid Myositis, Tension Myalgia, and others. However, in 2019, the World Health Organization officially recognized Fibromyalgia as a "Chronic Primary Pain disease" in its own right, that can now be the sole or a leading complaint that requires special treatment and care.


Despite its prevalence, Fibromyalgia remains a complex and often-misunderstood condition. It is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed late, with patients experiencing significant delays in diagnosis, which can lead to frustration and a worsening of symptoms. Many of these patients are not able to work due to their symptoms, and they may also experience social isolation and a loss of autonomy.


However, the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia has come a long way in recent years, and new research has led to a better understanding of the condition. There is hope that with a better understanding of Fibromyalgia and a more comprehensive approach to treatment and care, patients with this condition can lead a better quality of life.

Understanding Fibromyalgia Requires a Comprehensive Approach

A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Fibromyalgia Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a complex condition that cannot be easily treated with a one-size-fits-all approach. To effectively manage Fibromyalgia symptoms, it is important to understand the multifaceted nature of the condition and take a comprehensive approach to treatment.


Traditionally, Fibromyalgia has been treated with pain medications, such as opioids, and other medications to manage individual symptoms. However, this approach often falls short in providing comprehensive relief for patients with Fibromyalgia.


To treat Fibromyalgia effectively, healthcare professionals must adopt a multi-dimensional approach that addresses the physical, psychological, and social aspects of the condition. This approach involves a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and other therapies that aim to alleviate pain, reduce stress, and improve quality of life.


Medication can play a role in Fibromyalgia treatment, but it should be used in conjunction with other therapies. Antidepressants and anti-seizure medications can be used to manage pain and other symptoms, and physical therapy can help patients improve their physical ability and reduce pain.


Lifestyle changes are also important in managing Fibromyalgia symptoms. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress-reducing activities, such as meditation or yoga, can all help improve a patient's quality of life.


Psychological therapies can also be beneficial for patients with Fibromyalgia. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help patients manage the psychological symptoms of Fibromyalgia, such as depression and anxiety, and can also help them develop coping strategies to manage pain.


Finally, a multi-disciplinary approach that involves a team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and psychologists, can provide the best care for patients with Fibromyalgia. This approach allows for a coordinated effort to address all aspects of the condition and improve the overall quality of life for patients.


In summary, a comprehensive approach to treating Fibromyalgia is essential for managing the complex symptoms of this condition. By understanding the physical, psychological, and social aspects of Fibromyalgia and adopting a multi-dimensional approach to treatment, healthcare professionals can help patients manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Beyond Pain: The Many Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The Multifaceted Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex condition that is characterized by a range of symptoms. While pain is the most commonly known symptom, Fibromyalgia also has many other symptoms that can affect a patient's quality of life.

The primary symptom of Fibromyalgia is pain, which can be widespread and chronic. Patients may experience pain in different parts of their bodies, including the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and legs. This pain can be severe, and it can be difficult to manage with traditional pain medications.


In addition to pain, Fibromyalgia is also associated with significant fatigue. Patients with Fibromyalgia often feel tired even after a full night's sleep, and they may also experience other sleep disorders, such as insomnia.


Memory loss and difficulties with concentration are also common symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Patients may have trouble with short-term memory, and they may find it difficult to focus or pay attention. This can make it challenging to complete everyday tasks and may impact a patient's work or social life.


Depression and anxiety are also commonly associated with Fibromyalgia. Patients may experience feelings of sadness or hopelessness, and they may have difficulty enjoying activities that they once found pleasurable. Social isolation and anhedonia (loss of all pleasures) are common consequences of Fibromyalgia, which can lead to further psychological distress.


Patients may also experience a progressive loss of physical ability, making it difficult for them to perform everyday tasks. They may have difficulty standing or walking for extended periods of time, and they may also have trouble with fine motor skills, such as writing or typing.

Overall, Fibromyalgia is a complex condition that can impact many different aspects of a patient's life. It is important for patients to work with healthcare professionals who understand the multifaceted nature of this condition and can provide comprehensive treatment and care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. It affects approximately 2-4% of the population.

What are the symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

Common symptoms of Fibromyalgia include widespread pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties, and mood changes.

How is Fibromyalgia diagnosed?

Fibromyalgia is diagnosed based on a combination of symptoms and physical examination, and there is no specific test for it.

What causes Fibromyalgia?

The exact cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.

Is there a cure for Fibromyalgia?

There is currently no cure for Fibromyalgia, but treatment can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

How is Fibromyalgia treated?

Treatment for Fibromyalgia may include medication, physical therapy, psychological therapy, and lifestyle changes.

Can Fibromyalgia be managed without medication?

Yes, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress-reducing activities can help manage Fibromyalgia symptoms.

How can I manage my Fibromyalgia symptoms on a daily basis?

Managing Fibromyalgia symptoms on a daily basis may involve pacing oneself, taking breaks when needed, and practicing self-care.

Are there any lifestyle changes that can help with Fibromyalgia?

Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress-reducing activities can help manage Fibromyalgia symptoms.

How can I explain Fibromyalgia to my family and friends?

Fibromyalgia can be difficult to explain, but it may be helpful to compare it to other chronic pain conditions and emphasize the importance of support and understanding from family and friends.

Is Fibromyalgia a form of arthritis?

Fibromyalgia is not a form of arthritis, but it is often seen in conjunction with other rheumatic conditions.

Can Fibromyalgia cause other health problems?

Fibromyalgia may increase the risk for other health problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and depression.

Are there any alternative treatments for Fibromyalgia?

Alternative treatments for Fibromyalgia may include acupuncture, massage therapy, and dietary supplements, but there is limited scientific evidence for their effectiveness.

Can children have Fibromyalgia?

While Fibromyalgia is more commonly diagnosed in adults, it can also affect children and adolescents.

Can Fibromyalgia be a disability?

Fibromyalgia can be a disabling condition that affects a person's ability to work and carry out daily activities. In some cases, individuals with Fibromyalgia may be eligible for disability benefits.

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